Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zambian Biodiversity Project

The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums is an organization for the world zoos and aquariums. They are not only one of the primary partners for zoos and aquariums around the world but they are also active in animal care, conservation of biodiversity, environmental education and global conservation. Members of the WAZA include leading zoos and aquariums, and regional and national Associations of Zoos and Aquariums as well as some organizations, like zoo veterinarians or zoo educators from around the world. More than 200 zoos and aquariums are members of WAZA as well as 25 regional associations. About 1300 zoos and aquaria are linked to WAZA. Together, WAZA and it's members are "United for Conservation".

One project that the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums is the Zambian Biodiversity Project where they are studying the biodiversity to establish a long-term management plan in Zambia, Africa. On the northeast of Zambia is the Luangwa River. It's one of the largest rivers of the country and is one of the most significant wetlands in Africa. It is a refuge for an enormously rich variety of animals and plants. It's richness of elephants and rhinoceroses in particular attracted the poachers which the government was powerless against. Several adult elephants are toothless and the African wild dog population have almost been completely driven out poaching activities.
In the heart of the valley was the Luambe National Park which was used as a conservatory but it wasnt until 2002 when it was taken over by the non-profit organization "Luangwa Wilderness e.V." who declared aim of protecting the wild animal populations and their environment in the park. Although the status of species, their ecology and distribution are needed for the establishment of the management plan. To gain this knowledge the Zambian Biodiversity Project was established.
The project is going to explore, document, and explain animal biodiversity in Zambia. It's going to emphasise on the Luangwa Valley and the Luambe National Park to help with this management plan. Some of the studies being done is the study of a species' ecology and natural history and other things that are vital to managing and protecting their population.

World Association of Zoos and Aquariums