Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Design your own baby!

Nowadays, parents could pick the sex of their future baby. But as soon as research and technology improves within a decade or two, attributes like height, body type, hair and eye color, IQ and personality type could be configured as well! Parents could now pick which traits they would want their child to have and even take out attributes that they dont want in their child.
I do not like this concept of child configuration. To be able to adjust a human's traits before they are means that you will not accept them as they were supposed to be naturally- not like the parents would ever know. Its something like cosmetic surgery but with designing a baby even their personality is altered. I think that people are unique in the way that they are supposed to be naturally from the traits passed down from their parents. Designer babies may cause these children to look different from their parents. For example, when you look at two sisters, it may be possible to tell that they are indeed siblings; but with designer babies one sister may have brown eyes and blonde hair, while the other may have hazel eyes with black hair depending on what their parents chose for them. I believe that people should be as they were meant to be naturally.

People may think that Designer Babies are ethical because the parents have the legal right to their unborn child. They want to genetically change their child to give them a healthier happier life. But many people have issues with designer babies. They believe that a fetus should not be genetically modified. By changing the biological traits of the baby, it is for forever and cannot be reversed afterwards. It is also said that new deseases may arise from the genetic mutilations that we may not be able to find a cure for which makes this experiment risky.

Although I dont agree with the idea of designing babies, I think that to have such a breakthrough in science is a huge accomplishment for us. This could lead us to so much more scientific breakthroughs in the future that could benefit us so much!

Commented on:
Mix and Match to make the Perfect Baby !
Designer Babies


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